Intro to Cypress Testing


Before this lesson, be sure you have worked through this prework to complete the necessary set-up steps.

When we start the lesson you should have the Feedback Loop api ready and running and the Feedback Loop UI ready and running - with Cypress installed and the 3 specific spec files set up in your e2e directory.

Learning Goals:

  • Become familiar with what Cypress is
  • Practice testing a React application with Cypress including:
    • Filling out forms and switching routes
    • Intercepting and stubbing network requests
    • Happy and sad path user flows
  • Understand how acceptance testing & end-to-end testing differ from unit & integration testing

A little background

So far in your time at Turing, you’ve learned a lot about unit/integration testing. The paradigm you’ve learned so far is testing individual functions with unit tests to verify that they produce the same output every time, and testing the interactions between those functions (integration tests).

We haven’t tested anything that’s on the DOM - our whole testing perspective has been from the point of view of the developer. This makes sense - after all, tests are there to tell us if something in our codebase breaks!

However, because the apps we build are meant to be used by, well, users, it’s also important that we ensure that our apps work from their perspective!

In this lesson, we’re going to learn about acceptance testing and end-to-end testing (also known as E2E testing).

What are acceptance tests?

In our User Stories lesson, we learned about describing user flows. We also learned about writing acceptance criteria. A user story describes the WHAT of a user flow: what is supposed to happen? Acceptance criteria describes the HOW of a user flow: how is that accomplished?

Acceptance testing ensures that the acceptance criteria were successfully implemented. It doesn’t just manually call functions - it runs the actual application and walks through a user flow via the app UI. When we run acceptance tests, we use the client, and stub out (we’ll learn about this later) our network requests and other services.

You can think of testing complexity moving from unit testing to integration testing, from integration testing to acceptance testing.

Consider testing a site like Twitter. When the developers build out the login functionality, it’s mission critical that it works as expected in all cases, including obscure edge cases. Just testing the functions in isolation wouldn’t be enough. For true confidence in an app, we need to test that the user experiences the expected user flow.

Most of the tests we write in Cypress are going to be acceptance tests!

What are end-to-end tests?

End-to-end (“E2E”) tests add another layer of confidence to your testing by running your entire application including the client, API, database, and other services. This helps boost a developer’s confidence with their app ensuring that the user flow works correctly in the production environment (or something very similar to the production environment). Although they can be expensive in the initial setup, they test how a user would interact with an application.

This is the final layer that should be added in addition to unit and integration tests. While these tests focus more on the code written and help pinpoint potential errors for the developer, acceptance and end-to-end tests are useful for the end user. Think about the various happy and sad path user flows your last project encompassed. This could include the happy paths of displaying a list of movies or adding a movie to their favorites. Maybe the route changes if a user clicks on a button. There are also the sad paths to those user flows. What if the movie has already been favorited? What if a route doesn’t exist?

What is Cypress?

Cypress is an automated testing tool used for the functional aspects of web applications. It’s actually built on Node.js and allows you to write tests using JavaScript. It allows you to test a number of aspects of your application including integration and end-to-end tests. It’s a bit different from how you may have tested in the past because it actually operates directly in the browser.

Major Features of Cypress

Here are a list of major features pulled from the documentation

  • Time Travel: Cypress takes snapshots as your tests run. Hover over commands in the Command Log to see exactly what happened at each step.
  • Debuggability: Stop guessing why your tests are failing. Debug directly from familiar tools like Developer Tools. Our readable errors and stack traces make debugging lightning fast.
  • Automatic Waiting: Never add waits or sleeps to your tests. Cypress automatically waits for commands and assertions before moving on. No more async hell.
  • Spies, Stubs, and Clocks: Verify and control the behavior of functions, server responses, or timers. The same functionality you love from unit testing is right at your fingertips.
  • Network Traffic Control: Easily control, stub, and test edge cases without involving your server. You can stub network traffic however you like.
  • Screenshots and Videos: View screenshots taken automatically on failure, or videos of your entire test suite when run from the CLI.
  • Cross browser Testing: Run tests within Firefox and Chrome-family browsers (including Edge and Electron) locally and optimally in a Continuous Integration pipeline.

The Big Picture

We’ll be using Cypress in two main ways:

  1. Simulating the user’s interactions with the various features of our application, making assertions about when and where the user will encounter the various elements on the DOM
  2. Intercepting the real network requests our application makes, and simulating a mock response from our API when a real network request is made.

Consider the following code and write down your responses to the questions:

  • Which parts of this code align with the 1st way we’ll be using Cypress? How do you know?
  • Which parts of this code align with the 2nd way we’ll be using Cypress? How do you know?
  • What are some reasons we might want to avoid hitting our API with our test suite?
  • How do these tests give us confidence that our app is working as intended?
  beforeEach(() => {
    cy.intercept("GET", "", {
      statusCode: 200,
      fixture: "savannah_breweries"

  it("should have a form to enter a city and display that city's breweries", () => {
    .get(".breweries-container").find(".brewery-card-wrapper").should("have.length", 2)
    .get(".brewery-name").first().contains("h2", "Moon River Brewing Co")
    .get(".brewery-name").last().contains("h2", "Two Tides Brewing Company")
    .get(".brewery-location").first().contains("p", "Savannah, Georgia")

With the two main ways we’ll be using Cypress in mind, take some time to play around with the Feedback Loop UI application as a user. Try to identify and list some user flows within this application - what can a user see and what can they do.

Enough talk already

Let’s experiment ourselves and see how great Cypress is firsthand. Your Feedback Loop UI and Feedback Loop Api should already be up and running. Open cypress from within the FE repo using the command you set up as a script in package.json. Likely npm run cypress or npm run cypress:open. Select E2E Testing, then Chrome for your browser, then the Start E2E Testing in Chrome button.

We should have 3 spec files set up from the prework:, and We could have chosen to use one giant file and test absolutely everything in there. But its probably more maintainable and intuitive to group up our related user flows into their own files.


Notice that each of these describes actions tied to our data/server/network requests. When viewing feedback from coworkers, there are several different user flows. But they all involve GETTING feedback data from the back end.

Figuring out how to group user flows/stories can be tricky, and ultimately there are no hard-and-fast rules about how to do so. Over time, you’ll develop a sense of what to put together, just like how you are learning what to break out into a React component and what to leave as is. And, of course, these conventions change from team to team.

Inside login_spec.js, we’ll first write a dummy test to make sure things are hooked up correctly.

describe('Feedback Loop login flows', () => {
  it('Should confirm that true is equal to true', () => {

Move over to the Cypress Test Runner and click on the login_spec.js and prepare to be amazed! Did it pass? Look at the Command Log and notice the assertion being made. Then try changing true to false and see if it fails.

Note the Similarities

Both the describe and it blocks come from Mocha while the expect syntax comes from Chai. We’re just building off from what you’ve learned previously!

Simple enough. Now what?

This is great and all but let’s think about what we actually need to test. Remember that Cypress is especially useful for testing user flows on our applications. List out a few user flows for the beginning of our application.

Beginning User Flows

  • As a user, I should be able to visit http://localhost:3000 and see a title & form displayed.
  • As a user, I can select different inputs and fill them out.
  • As a user, I will receive an error message when I click the Submit button without filling out both inputs
  • As a user, I can fill out the email and password inputs and click the Submit button and be directed to a different URL. Happy Path
  • As a user, I will receive an error message that my email and password don’t match if I submit incorrect email and password inputs. Sad Path

Testing Our First User Flow

Now that we’ve identified some user flows, let’s get to testing (finally)! First, let’s focus on this user flow:

As a user, I should be able to visit http://localhost:3000 and see a title & form displayed.

  • Write a test that asserts that a user can visit http://localhost:3000 using the visit command.
  • In the same it block, check to make sure that our site can get a form and that it contains the correct text on the page!
  • Take note of any errors that you get in the Test Body of the Command Log.


You might notice that your test fails when trying to load your site. This is because Cypress is actually trying to visit your page, but your server is not running. Make sure your React server is running in a separate tab on your terminal! You do not need to have the API server running, though.

Possible Solution - challenge yourself to try before looking!

// login_spec.js

describe('Feedback Loop login', () => {
  it('Should be able to visit the page and render the correct elements', () => {
      .contains('Feedback Loop')
      .contains('Please Sign In');

Note that we can chain multiple methods to make multiple assertions!

Before starting our next test, let’s add in the following block:

  beforeEach(() => {

This helps to ensure that we start anew before each test. A best practice is that tests should always be able to run independently from one another and still pass.

User flow to test: I can select different inputs and fill them out.

  • Experiment with type and should as you write a test that selects the Email and Password inputs and fills them with the corresponding values, and keane20. Assert that they have the correct values.

Here is a link to commonly used assertions in Cypress!

User flow to test: I will receive an error message when I click the Submit button without filling out both inputs.

  • Write another test that asserts an error message is displayed when the Submit button is clicked without filling both inputs.

Did You Know?

In the test runner, you can actually hit command + option + i to open up your DevTools! Instead of looking at your code, use your DevTools to find the necessary elements you need to query.

To add the React Dev Tools to your cypress browser window, take a look at this blog post.


  it('should be able to select the email and password inputs and fill them with the corresponding values', () => {
      .should('have.value', '')
      .should('have.value', 'keane20')

  it('should display an error message when a user clicks the Submit button without filling both inputs', () => {
    cy.contains('Please fill out both inputs')

Writing tests involving network requests

User Story: As a user, I can fill out the email and password inputs and click the Submit button and be directed to a different URL.

  • This builds off of what we have done previously, however we now want to test that when we log in successfully and visit the new url http://localhost:3000/dashboard. It’s okay if the page doesn’t display all of the data on the next page, just assert that the url has updated.


Upon filling out the form and submitting, you will likely run into a new error, Failed to fetch. This is because it is trying to access our API. In order to write a true end-to-end test, you could startup the server driving the application the same way a real user would. These are important around testing your application’s critical paths especially around happy paths.

There are some downsides however:

  • Because this is sending real responses, you normally would need to seed a database separate from your actual user’s info. (We don’t want to be making accidental changes to our user’s information and settings.)
  • This can slow the performance of your tests as a result of doing real network requests.
  • It is also more difficult to test edge cases.

For now (and throughout Mod 3), we will instead use stubbing and intercepting to control our network responses. Although both types of tests are important, stubbing is much more common and allows you to control the response body, status, and headers while also making your tests more performant.

Potential Solution

  it('should be able to fill out the email and password and click Submit, directing the user to a different page', () => {
    cy.intercept('POST', 'http://localhost:3001/api/v1/login', {
        statusCode: 201,
        body: {
          id: 2,
          image: "",
          name: "Leta Keane"
      .url().should('include', '/dashboard')

Note that we are just intercepting the POST request for logging in and mocking out what the expected response would look like. Our dashboard is blank because we haven’t mocked out the other network requests; this is something we’ll test later on in our dashboard spec.

All we need to worry about is that our URL has updated to the page we expect to view when we are logged in.

Testing the Sad Path to a Network Request

User flow to test: I will receive an error message that my email and password don’t match if I submit incorrect email and password inputs.

  • Take what you learned from the exercise to stub a 401 response if a user fails to login. Assert that a new error message is displayed.


  it('should display an error message if I submit an incorrect email and password', () => {
      method: 'POST',
      url: 'http://localhost:3001/api/v1/login'
      statusCode: 401,
      body: {
        message: `Email and password do not match.  Please try again.`
    .get('p').should('contain', 'Email and password do not match.  Please try again.')

Once again we have intercepted the POST request, but this time changed the statusCode to be a 401 along with a body including an error message. You can follow the functionality in the signInUser method of LoginForm to confirm.

Handy should arguments cheatsheet

Take note of the different arguments passed through should when checking the values of an element on the page.

  • Input: .should('have.value', [some value]).
  • URL: .should('include', [some url])
  • Other DOM elements: .should('contain', [some text]').

Testing the Dashboard view

Let’s get a little more practice with intercepting network requests, by testing our Dashboard view.

In our dashboard_spec.js file, let’s pseudocode the user flows we should be testing.

  • After I login successfully, I should see the dashboard, complete with feedback from my teammates, as well as seeing teammates I have/haven’t left feedback for

As you can see by digging through App.js and Dashboard.js, the way this code is constructed, there are no error messages when there is no appropriate user data. This is probably something we should fix in the future, but for now, we’ll only worry about testing the happy path.

Automating our login

As we saw in our login_spec.js file, logging in takes a few steps. We have to find the inputs, type the appropiate data in, and click our login button.

We can actually automate this process by creating a custom Cypress command.


In today’s example, we’re going to create a command to login to the dashboard by using our app’s UI. This is actually an anti-pattern. In login_spec.js, we already tested that our login UI works! By creating a command that does this same thing, we’re simply creating redundant code that does nothing to make us feel more confident about our code.

In complex applications with dozens or hundreds of user flows to test, all of which depend on first being logged in, having Cypress go through the UI to login (aka finding and typing into form fields, clicking buttons, waiting for new pages to render, etc) would make our tests take FOREVER to run.

We are forced to use the app’s UI to login today because of the way we’ve written our app - this is a GREAT example of how when our tests are difficult, it indicates that perhaps we should refactor our implementation code. Perhaps instead of having our login form directly set the state of App with a user, and all the results of the subsequent network requests listed in updateUser, we could set the user info in localStorage and rely on a hook to conduct the rest of the fetches. That would allow us to use a custom command to just put the user data in localStorage, rather than having to go through the rigamarole of filling in fields and stubbing the POST request.

To learn about creating a custom login command that does not have to go through the UI of an app, you can watch this conference talk from the creator of Cypress. The video starts partway through, and shows you the creation of a custom command.

Inside the cypress directory, you’ll find another directory called support. Inside that are two files:

  • commands.js
  • e2e.js

Before we replace the commented out code in commands.js, let’s take a look at the App.js file and see what happens when we click our login button.

  1. We fetch our teammate information (populates the right-hand sidebar of the app)
  2. We fetch our feedback (populates the left-hand main page and shows us the feedback our teammates have left for us)
  3. We get additional ifo (if necessary)
  4. We set state with the new information using our hook.

This means our new command will need to:

  1. stub our POST network request to login
  2. stub our GET network request to get our teammates
  3. stub our GET network request to get our feedback
  4. find the form inputs, fill them out, and click the button, redirecting us to the /dashboard page

Research the Cypress docs and see what you can come up with!

Try your best before you peek!

Our command might look something like this:

// commands.js

Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {
  const baseURL = 'http://localhost:3001/api/v1';

  // stub our login in network request
  cy.intercept('POST', `${baseURL}/login`, {
    statusCode: 201,
      body: {
        id: 2,
        image: "",
        name: "Leta Keane"

  // stub our teammate network request
  cy.intercept(`${baseURL}/users/2/teammates`, {
      "teammates": [
          email: "",
          id: 1,
          image: "",
          name: "Hannah Hudson",
          delivered: false
          email: "",
          id: 3,
          image: "",
          name: "Khalid Williams",
          delivered: true

  // stub our feedback network request
  cy.intercept(`${baseURL}/users/2/feedback`, {
    feedback: [
        feedback: "Your feedback game is TOO strong.",
        senderId: 4,
        receiverId: 2
        feedback: "I appreciate your positive energy and how hard you work in supporting both students and other instructors alike.",
        senderId: 11,
        receiverId: 2

  // stub Scott's user data
  cy.intercept("GET", "http://localhost:3001/api/v1/users/4", {
    id: 4,
    name: "Scott Ertmer",
    image: "",
    email: "",
    password: "ertmer20",

  // stub Travis's user data
  cy.intercept("GET", "http://localhost:3001/api/v1/users/11", {
    id: 11,
    name: "Travis Rollins",
    image: "",
    email: "",
    password: "rollins20",

  // Fill in our UI to trigger the network requests and send us to /dashboard

Let’s see this in action. In our test file dashboard_spec.js, write a describe block with an it block that checks to see the title of the page. Use a beforeEach to call the custom login command.

Try it before looking here

One possible solution:

describe('Dashboard view', () => {

  beforeEach(() => {

  it('should render the title', () => {
    cy.contains('h1', 'Feedback Loop');

Now that that is written, run this spec (hint: you can run a single spec file at a time).

We can see two pieces of feedback and two teammates rendered.

Try it yourself

Now try to write more into this test to find and verify the rest of the information on the page: the two pieces of feedback, and the two teammates.

Try it before looking here

One possible solution:

describe('Dashboard view', () => {

  beforeEach(() => {

  it('should render the title, feedback, and teammates', () => {
    cy.contains('h1', 'Feedback Loop');
    cy.contains('.feedback', 'Scott Ertmer')
    cy.contains('.feedback', 'Your feedback game is TOO strong');
    cy.contains('.feedback', 'Travis Rollins');
    cy.contains('.feedback', 'I appreciate your positive energy and how hard you work in supporting both students and other instructors alike.');
    cy.contains('.team', 'Hannah Hudson');
    cy.contains('.team', 'Khalid Williams');

Note about mocking data

Many of the projects you will be working on often require that you load a significant amount of data. To take the above example to the next step, we would need to load a user’s teammates. To help with readability of our tests, it would be good to use a fixture to load a fixed set of data from another file.

Testing the form

See what you can do on your own!

Here’s a beforeEach to get you started:

beforeEach(() => {

    // This selects the teammate who we have not given feedback to

And let’s make a list of functionality to test:

  1. “should show the feedback form”
  2. “should be able to fill in the feedback form”
  3. “should be able to submit the form and see confirmation message”
  4. “should be able to return to the dashboard & see status change”

The documentation that Cypress offers is a great place to start as you become more and more proficient in testing. With time, you can even drive your implementation through TDD with Cypress.

Exit Ticket

  • What is acceptance testing and how is it different from unit and integration tests?
  • What is Cypress and how is it different from other testing frameworks you’ve used in the past?
  • Should you include tests that utilize the API (end-to-end) or should you stub the network requests? Is there an argument for both?

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